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Filed under: Products

NovAtel has announced the release of GrafNav/GrafNet™ version 8.10. GrafNav/GrafNet™ is a powerful GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) post-processing software that can process raw data from most GPS receivers. Release version 8.10 includes several improvement and features such as support for NovAtel’s proprietary on-the-fly (OTF) AdVance™ RTK (ARTK) engine, HTML output for reports, and improved Google Earth™ exporting. A complete list of improvements are shown below.
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Filed under: Firmware Updates/Info,General,Products

NovAtel’s CDU program has been recently updated and improved. This Graphical User Interface (GUI) is for use with NovAtel’s OEM4 and OEMV GPS receivers. Release version 3.3.03 has been updated for OEMV 3.301 firmware enhancements and is now compatible with the Microsoft Vista operating system.
You can download the latest version of the CDU at NovAtel. Should you have any questions or need help, please contact us.
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