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July 27th, 2018: NovAtel Propak6 Series Discontinued

Filed under: Products

NovAtel Inc. has announced the End of Life (EOL) of the Propak6 series GNSS receivers. This affects all hardware variants of the ProPak6 platform.


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July 27th, 2018: NovAtel OEM7 Firmware 7.05.00 Released

Filed under: Firmware Updates/Info

NovAtel Inc has released version 7.05.00 firmware for the OEM7 series receivers. It applies to all of the OEM7 hardware (OEM719, OEM729, OEM 7700, OEM7720, OEM7600, PP7, PP7D, CPT7).

There are several new features included in this release. TerraStar-C PRO, RTKAssist PRO, API using LUA scripting language, Galileo measurements used in position data. (continue reading this entry…)

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July 12th, 2018: FlexPak6 and FlexPak6D Discontinued

Filed under: Products

NovAtel Inc. is announcing the End of Life of the:


These products will be available for order until:
July 31, 2018 (or until inventory has been depleted)

Shipments may be scheduled for no later than:
November 30, 2018

NovAtel will continue to support and repair these products until:
March 31, 2021

Discontinued Part Number      Replacement Part Number


For pricing information or to place an order, please contact us.

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