TerraStar frequency changes are scheduled to occur within the first quarter of 2018. It is expected February 2018. This will move the L-Band beam frequencies from the current 1539 MHz to 1545 MHz and higher. This change is needed to avoid potential future conflicts with other services that will share the lower portion of the L-Band spectrum.
NovAtel TerraStar users are urged to make sure they have the minimum required firmware installed in their receiver(s) before this frequency change occurs. This change affects OEM6 and OEM7 customers that are using or plan to use TerraStar correction services.
See the article https://slainc.com/news/2017/09/12/l-band-tracking-update-for-oem6-and-oem7/ for more information on the affected receivers and where to get the latest firmware. If you have any questions, contact us.